Regulated Health Professions Act


The Regulated Health Professions Act (Bill 18) received Royal Assent on June 11th, 2009

This Bill changes the way health professions are regulated in Manitoba. New regulatory scheme:

At present, there are 21 statutes dealing with different health professions; this Bill replaces those statutes with one umbrella Act, The Regulated Health Professions Act. Health professions currently regulated under their own statutes will be designated by regulation as regulated health professions. Those statutes will be repealed over time, and each of the professions will then be regulated under the umbrella Act and that profession's specific regulations.



View the Regulated Health Professions Act in Manitoba Government website by clicking the button below.

Province of Manitoba - Manitoba Laws | The Regulated Health Professions Act

For an informational overview of the RHPA, presented by Liz Ambrose, Senior Policy Analyst for Manitoba Health, click below.

Overview of the Regulated Health Professions Act by Liz Ambrose

Click here to listen to another perspective and and to view the 2014 AGM presentation by Rhonda Lorch of Lorch and Associates.

Click here to view an article entitled "What It Costs to Run a Health Regulatory College", written by Kevin Taylor, Registrar and CEO of the CRTO. 

Click here to Learn about Consumer Protection, Regulatory Bodies and Your Rights

More information regarding MARRT's RHPA application coming soon!

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